Press Release: 17 December 2013
Passive House experts provide solutions for energy revolution
2014 International Passive House Conference programme published
Darmstadt/Aachen, Germany. When it comes to energy use, it is most sustainable to focus on efficiency first. With Passive House, this is also cost-effective. Practical examples of this approach will be presented by experts from around the globe during the 2014 International Passive House Conference and framework programme, to be held from 23 - 27 April in Aachen, Germany. New projects and the latest solutions in the area of energy efficient construction will be showcased by speakers in more than a hundred lectures. An accompanying trade fair will offer an overview of the breadth of possibilities available. Programme
Press Release: 8 Novemeber 2013
Positive response to Passive House Conference call for papers
More than 200 abstracts submitted international for conference in Aachen Darmstadt, Germany. The professional community’s interest in Passive House is as strong as ever: evinced by the over 200 submissions in response to the 18th International Passive House Conference call for papers. For the first time, all continents were represented, with abstracts submitted from a total of 31 different countries. A great many of the abstracts focussed on non-residential buildings and dissemination and implementation. The Conference Scientific Advisory Board selected the submissions to be represented in the Aachen conference programme last week. Their work was no doubt especially challenging, as all abstracts submitted were of a very high standard. Press release
News: 1 November 2013
Guardian UK gives nod to the benefits of Passive House
The Guardian's recent article, "Actively cutting energy bills in Oldham – welcome to the 'Passivhauses'", provides a great case study on the benefits of Passive housing. "A Passivhaus looks like any other home, but it's not, thanks to a box of tricks in the loft that's helping residents' health and wealth." Read more
Press Release: 28 October 2013
Insights into buildings of the future
International Passive House Days from 8 - 10 November 2013

Dutch press releases: |
News: 11 October 2013
Decisionmakers gather in Innsbruck in the name of Passive House
4th PassREg International Workshop and Study Tour completed
Innsbruck, 11 October, 2013. On 9 October, decision makers from across Europe gathered in Innsbruck, Austria, to learn from the region's Passive House success stories spurred on by strong government financial support on a regional and municipal level. On the following day, the group visited various Passive House buildings in and around Innsbruck to get a first-hand look at the success story the city has to tell. Social housing projects such as the Lodenareal with its 354 Passive House apartments left a lasting impression on eager group members hoping to push Passive House in their own regions.
Press Release: 12 August 2013
International Passive House Architecture Competition
Only seven weeks until 2014 Passive House Award submission deadline
Darmstadt, 12 August 2013. The examples of architecture enhanced by the Passive House Standard are many; particularly outstanding projects will be acknowledged with the 2014 Passive House Award. The award will illustrate just how beautifully designed extremely energy efficient buildings can be. For this year’s award, urban planning projects will also be considered in addition to single buildings. A pre-requisite for entry is Passive House certification, whereby EnerPHit criteria will apply for refurbishments. With the energetic quality assured through certification, the assessment of submissions will focus solely on architectural design. Projects may be submitted through 30 September 2013.
News: 27 June 2013
Passive House excursion in Hanover

News: 13 June 2013

Train the Trainer course for future trainers of Certified Passive House Designers and Tradespeople
Sofia, 13 June 2013. Train the Trainer courses, held in Antwerp (Belgium), Cesena (Italy) and Sofia (Bulgaria) between March and June 2013, have now been successfully completed! A total of 60 future trainers of the Passive House Designers and Tradesperson courses were trained in the process, helping to ensure that such courses, crucial to preparing construction professionals for the implementation of nearly zero energy buildings, will be rolled out on a large scale beyond the three year duration of the PassREg project.
News: 13 June 2013
Antwerp becomes first Flemish province to adopt Passive House Standard

Press Release: 5 June 2013
Competition for the Passive House Award 2014
nternational Award for energy-efficient buildings and regions
Darmstadt. The race is on for the 2014 Passive House Award, organised within PassREg to showcase leaders in the field of energy-efficient construction from around the world. Competition entries may include single buildings as well as entire districts or regions. An independent jury will evaluate the architectural design and urban planning aspects of the submitted projects with special attention given to the use of renewables in sustainable energy supply concepts. Winning projects will be awarded at the International Passive House Conference next April in Aachen, Germany.
Press release - English version
Download call for submissions
Press Release 2 May 2013
2013 International Passive House Conference Review
Passive House experts report on experiences with projects around the world
Press Release: 26 April 2013
Passive House Conference points to the future of construction and retrofitting
Efficiency is the key to the success of the energy revolution
Frankfurt, Germany. Energy-efficient and cost-effective: this is how the future of construction and retrofitting will look in the future, as demonstrated at the International Passive House Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Using examples of completed projects, experts from all over the world revealed the potential of intelligent architecture for climate protection and cost savings. The spectrum of topics ranged from a "historical" new build in an old-town district of Frankfurt itself, to the demands on Passive House buildings in Mexico and Scandinavia. Some 1200 Passive House experts from around 50 countries attended the Conference, a long-established event in the energy-efficient construction sector.
Press Release: 22 March 2013
"Train the Trainer" course and PassREg presentation held in Italy
Cesena offers course for future trainers of Certified Passive House Designers and Tradespeople as well as PassREg session at Agrofer Fair
Qualified designers and craftspeople are key to the large scale implementation of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. Within PassREg, existing courses for Passive House designers and tradespeople, previously developed by the Passive House Institute, are being translated into various European languages and adapted to regional climatic conditions and building traditions. In order to ensure that these trainings will be rolled on a large scale and beyond the duration of the PassREg project, future course providers from different EU countries are being trained to hold these courses throughout Europe. The first “Train the Trainer“ course, held in Antwerp, Belgium, on 5 & 6 March, was a great success. The second edition will be offered in Cesena, Italy, on 25 & 26 March 2013.
Press Release: 21 March 2013
Sicily presents Passive House pilot project
Passive House Institute founder Prof. Wolfgang Feist to attend conference in Catania, Italy
Darmstadt. Passive House is synonymous with energy efficiency, even in Mediterranean climates. This has been proven with the latest Passive House project in Sicily. Recent developments on the Italian island are to be presented this week in Catania, where Passive House Institute founder Professor Wolfgang Feist, together with other regional stakeholders, will discuss the vast potential this construction method offers the Mediterranean region. Visits to various model houses are also planned as part of the conference, organised within framework of the EU project PassREg. Press release