Press Release: 19 December 2014
Programme of Passive House Conference 2015 now online
International event in Leipzig with focus on highly efficient components
Darmstadt. The Passive House Standard enables every building owner to benefit from the energy revolution, with certified components ensuring cost-effectiveness. This basic concept will be the focus of the 2015 International Passive House Conference, held from 17 to 18 April 2015 in Leipzig. Speakers from all over the world will present exemplary projects and solutions for building systems, ventilation units and windows. An exhibition will provide specific examples of products currently available on the market. Conference Programme Registration
Press Release in English / German
Press Release: 2 September 2014
Hundreds of Passive House residents open their doors
International Passive House Days from 7 to 9 November 2014 Darmstadt, Germany. A Passive House building does not just save costs; one of the main advantages of this energy-efficient construction method is the high level of thermal comfort it offers. Those wishing to get their own impression will have the chance to do so during the Passive House Days event which is taking place from 7 to 9 November in many countries. Experts will demonstrate how it works, residents will share their experiences. An overview of the buildings being opened to the public in various cities and regions is provided on
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Press Release: 1 August 2014
Call for Papers: The International Passive House Conference
Forum for future-proof construction solutions on 17 and 18 April 2015 in Leipzig Darmstadt, Germany. Experts on energy efficient building and retrofitting can now submit their abstracts for the 19th International Passive House Conference. The deadline runs until 1 October, after which the best projects and solutions will be chosen for presentation on 17 and 18 April 2015 in Leipzig, Germany. The conference will place a special focus on cost-effectiveness and developments in high performance Passive House building components. Detailed information and all necessary submission documents can be found at:
Press Release: English / German
Press Release: 30 June 2014
Award for Heidelberg Passive House district visible in cityscape
Plaque affixed to a Kindergarten in the "Bahnstadt" quarter
Heidelberg, Germany. Heidelberg's Bahnstadt is the world's largest Passive House district – recently awarded the 2014 Passive House Award at the International Passive House Conference for its exemplary nature. More than one hundred projects entered to compete in a total of six categories. The Bahnstadt district was far and away the favourite in the "region" category. The official award plaque has now been affixed to a kindergarten in the district, thereby making the international recognition visible to passers-by within the cityscape itself.
Press Release: English / German
News: 27 June 2014
Energy efficiency turning heads in the EU
Energy efficiency is getting some much deserved attention in the EU of late as ministers from seven member states issued a letter urging the EU Commission to take a harder stance by laying out binding targets for 2030. With the current crisis in Ukraine as their starting point, the ministers affirm that the “reduction of energy consumption through energy efficiency is the most robust and cost effective means of increasing energy security and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.” This letter comes in the run up to a review of the EU’s progress toward set energy efficiency targets for 2020 (see review). In January, the Commission had suggested an obligatory 2030 target aiming for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but had left energy efficiency out of the talks in anticipation of this summer’s review. The review has been called for as a result of the EU’s lack of headway towards the original and non-binding target of a 20% improvement in energy efficiency. According to the Euractiv website, a pre-review report sees vast benefits for the EU’s economy if a binding target of 40% were to be agreed.
News: 28 May 2014
Italian cities subsidise Certified Passive Houses
Two Italian municipalities, Muzzano in the Piedmont region and Botticino in Lombardy, are doing their part to promote and support energy savings with new incentives for the construction or renovation of buildings with low or very low energy consumption.
In Muzzano, Certified Passive Houses are eligible for a 60% reduction in construction permitting fees (primary and secondary planning fees as well as a construction cost based fee) with a maximum discount of €20,000 for each building. In Botticino, Certified Passive Houses enjoy a 15% reduction on primary and secondary planning fees.
Read more about Muzzano’s policy (in Italian) | Read more about Botticino’s policy (in Italian)
News: 15 May 2014
Ukraine crisis gives weight to energy efficiency on EU agenda
15 May 2014. Following a call by 35 Ukrainian cities to increase the energy efficiency of their building stock in the name of energy independence, reports show that "fears of a gas crunch this winter have propelled energy efficiency to the top of the agenda." With the EU 2030 energy targets to be agreed in October of this year, it seems there is some recognition amongst the group of EU Energy Ministers that sharper retrofitting targets in the energy efficiency directive may be the way to go.
Read more on the EurActiv site.
News: 14 May 2014
Dutch impressed by Belgian progress
Successful Passive House Tourto Brussels
On May 14th 2014 some 40 members and other construction partners of the Dutch organisation DNA in de Bouw visited three passive projects in the Brussels region. Since 2007, a large share of building activities in Brussels is conducted according to the Passive House Standard. This has led to an impressive number of passive buildings and a decrease in the total energy consumption in the region.
During the tour three projects were visited that are largely carried out according to the passive house principle. The Brutopia project is a participatory group home consisting of 27 households, four shops and a car park. The project originated a group of thirty people with the dream of sustainable group living. The houses are now inhabited. A major project, the renovation and construction of an old brewery, was visited on the Henegouwenkaai. The old brewery will be designed and renovated as a hotel school according to Passive House principles whereas a new section, forming the hotel, will be built to Passive House standards. The final project consists of a renovation combined with a new build that houses a school and 51 homes. Tour participants saw a building in progress built with sustainable materials that meet the Passive House Standard. Participants were very much impressed by the extensive and expert explanation of Sebastian Moreno - Vacca, chairman of the Passive House Platform in Brussels and architect of the project.
Press Release: 30 April 2014
Passive House technology equips building sector for the future
International Conference shows solutions for maximum energy efficiency Aachen, Germany. Once completed, a building often goes untouched over the course of decades; the energy standard to which it is designed or retrofitted is therefore crucial. At the 2014 International Passive House Conference in Aachen, experts from all over the world showed how current construction practices can be made fit for the future. Recent progress on highly energy efficient building components has been groundbreaking; several examples were presented at the accompanying exhibition. Press Release | Full review
Press Release: 25 April 2014
Accolade for world-class architecture in Passive House Standard
Seven projects receive international Passive House Award
Aachen, Germany. Building with an eye to energy efficiency is not only cost-effective, it can also augment architectural design. This has been proven by the winners of the 2014 Passive House Award. Six buildings and one region were honored at the International Passive House Conference in Aachen: an apartment block in Berlin (Germany), a New York retrofit (USA), a seminar building in Goesan (South Korea), an art museum in Ravensburg (Germany), a building complex in Espoo (Finland), a terraced house in Philadelphia (USA) and an entire Passive House district in Heidelberg (Germany). The winning buildings as well as the finalists will be part of a travelling poster exhibition and will also be featured prominently in a book on the subject, made possible thanks to the generous support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
Press Release: 28 March 2014
Passive House Award 2014: Finalists confirmed
Winners will be announced at the Passive House Conference in Aachen
Darmstadt, Germany. The finalists of the Passive House Award 2014 have again proved that world-class architecture and the Passive House Standard complement each other perfectly. An international jury made its selection from approximately one hundred submissions. The winners in a total of six categories will be announced on 25 April in Aachen, Germany, at the 2014 International Passive House Conference. A list of all finalists can now be viewed on
English press release / German press release
Press Release: 13 March 2014
Ten-point plan for climate protection in the building sector
Passive House Institute publishes position paper for municipalities
Darmstadt, Germany. Climate protection starts at the local level – and energy efficiency in buildings is one of the more important tasks in this respect. To assist municipalities, the Passive House Institute has published a position paper on the topic. The paper sets out a ten-point programme with specific recommendations detailing how cities and communities can take their commitment forward in an effective way. One of the focal points is the Passive House Standard, which enables energy savings of up to 90 per cent. English press release
Press Release: 24 February 2014
Certificate for first Passive House supermarket in Germany
Innovative project in Hanover’s zero-emissions residential area zero:e park
Darmstadt/Hanover, Germany. Although fresh food needs continuous refrigeration, achieving a low energy demand is still possible. This has been demonstrated by the first Passive House supermarket in Germany: In the pilot project, highly efficient equipment reduces energy consumption as much as possible while a well-insulated building envelope ensures that the waste heat generated by the refrigeration system is enough to cover space heating needs. Altogether, this Passive House supermarket promises 30 % in energy savings as compared to conventional supermarkets. The certificate attesting to achievement of Passive House criteria was presented at a conference of the Rewe Group in Hanover. English press release / German press release
News: 5 February 2014
EU parliament strengthens climate targets
A decisive vote means increased focus in efficiency and renewables
The European parliament voted to require member states to meet binding national targets on renewable energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. In the decisive vote, 341 to 263 MEPs called for three binding targets for 2030:
- a 40% cut in greenhouse gases (compared to 1990)
- at least 30% of total energy coming from renewables
- a 40% improvement in energy efficiency.
Read the full Guardian article.