Press Release: 26 May 2015
New architecture book presents "Passive House Award" winners
Documentation of the competition also available as travelling exhibition
Darmstadt, Germany. A new book showcasing the winners and finalists of the Passive House Award shows that energy efficient construction is not only profitable, it is also an enrichment for architecture. The book is available in a bound version as well as in digital form as an online flipbook. In addition, all of the award-winning buildings in the international competition in 2014 are presented in a poster exhibition. Press Release
Press Release: 30 April 2015
Final Workshop held at International Passive House Conference
Passive + renewables: project's end brings together partners and EU leaders

Photo © DNA
Press Release: 28 April 2015
Now available: open online database on energy-neutral construction
Documentation of the competition also available as travelling exhibition
The collective knowledge from a variety of European regions on nearly zero energy construction can now be found on an online database. This tool is one of the results of 'PassREg', an EU-project for the roll-out of Passive House technology and renewable energy supply. Thanks to the open source nature of the database, every user can contribute new information in the field of energy neutral construction and retrofit. Press Release
Press Release: 26 February 2015
Passive House Conference with many offers for municipalities
Results of EU funded project PassREg to be presented as part of the programme
Darmstadt. The success of the energy revolution will largely be decided at the local level. The building sector is especially important here because this is where a third of the total energy is consumed. Opportunities for greater efficiency in cities and municipalities will be one of the main topics at the International Passive House Conference, which will take place from 17 to 18 April in Leipzig. Municipal representatives will be able to attend lectures addressing their specific needs. Speakers from many European countries will also present the results of the EU funded project PassREg (Passive House Regions with Renewable Energies). Press Release