eERG – end use Efficiency Research Group - POLITECNICO DI MILANO
20156 Milan, Italy
Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano - Director of eERG: lorenzo.pagliano@polimi.it
Eng. Marco Pietrobon: marco.pietrobon@polimi.it
eERG Group - www.eerg.it
Within the Energy Department of Politecnico di Milano, the end use Efficiency Research Group (eERG), is dedicated to research, technology transfer and teaching about the efficient use of energy in buildings. In particular in the areas of: low energy buildings, passive cooling techniques - night ventilation, ground coupling, etc -, efficient lighting and daylighting; technical and economic analysis of energy-using products; evaluation and certification of energy savings in the context of liberalized energy markets.
Past and ongoing work of eERG include: research via experimental test facilities and computer simulation on advanced glazing, shading, and ground exchangers for heating and cooling; building simulation to identify retrofit saving potentials with special focus on passive summer comfort; energy analysis to support the integrated design of advanced low energy buildings; large in field measurement campaigns to assess comfort levels in buildings (ASHRAE class I measurements and subjective surveys in commercial buildings).
eERG has promoted and coordinated a IEE Project on the adaptation of the PassivHaus concept to the Mediterranean climates (www.passive-on.org). eERG performed simulations to find models of buildings able to meet the new PH standard in exemplary warm Italian climates and to support design of real buildings some of which have been extensively monitored and analyzed. Current work is focused on further improvements and realization and monitoring of zero energy houses in Mediterranean climates, also in conjunction with IEA SHC task 40 - ECBCS annex 52.