2014 Passive House Award Exhibition


The 2014 Passive House Award is a celebration of architecture. Supported by the EU through the PassREg project and under the patronage of Sigmar Gabriel, German Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, the Award demonstrates the great potential and versatility offered by Passive House solutions.


Its winners have again proved that world-class architecture and the Passive House Standard complement each other perfectly. An international jury made its selection from approximately a hundred submissions. The award recipients in a total of six categories were announced on 25 April in Aachen, Germany, at the 2014 International Passive House Conference.




Single-family homes

Apartment buildings


Educational buildings

Office and special use buildings




The 21 finalists and winners of the 2014 Passive House Award are have now been recognised in a 45 poster travelling exhibition. Go to exhibition.





Intelligent Energy Europe
Passive House Regions with Renewable Energies
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