

It goes without saying that no successful model for integrating energy efficiency and RES into the built environment can be carried out without trained, qualified professionals to get the job done. Long term strategies for training complete with experienced trainers thus form an integral part of any model for success in this respect.


Capacity building strategies

Through PassREg, regions aspiring to implement energy efficiency and RES measures on the basis of the Passive House Standard are being provided with tools to develop appropriate long term capacity building strategies of their own.


Trainers are key

The basis for ensuring that the training programmes in any capacity building strategy get off to a good start has to be the trainers themselves.


Download the Capacity Building Strategy Template as a pdf or a doc file


It is for this reason that PassREg has put a focus on training the future trainers of Passive House Designer and Tradesperson courses through a series of so-called, Trainer the Trainer workshops. 

For more information

Download the list of new trainers


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Passive House Regions with Renewable Energies
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