Burgas (Bulgaria)
The Municipality of Burgas has committed itself to the deep energy renovation of the publicly-owned building stock, among other things, in its Sustainable Energy Action Plan developed through the Covenant of Mayors initiative. Additionally, the use of EU Cohesion Policy financial instruments for projects in the area of energy efficiency and renewable sources was coordinated through the Integrated Plan for City Reconstruction and Development 2014-2020, in which specific building renovation projects and the corresponding savings are specified and listed as acceptable for public funding.
Although the low level of decentralization in Bulgaria is to some extent hampering the efforts of the local authorities to stimulate the introduction of NZEB concept on the basis of the Passive House Standard, Burgas Municipality is deeply motivated to achieve this goal. In this light, Burgas is plans to emphasise awareness raising activities and the stimulation of market demand.
It has also recognised the need for the active engagement of the investors in order to achieve the implementation of the Passive House Standard on site, since, in the case of Bulgaria, they are usually the end users of buildings. Another pillar of Burgas’ plan is strong cooperation with educational establishments so as to support a knowledgeable and demanding young audience attuned to issues of sustainability, energy consumption and climate change mitigation.
PassREg Success model - Burgas, Bulgaria [pdf 0.5MB]