Vidzeme and Latgale (Latvia)
The Vidzeme and Latgale regions are promoting Passive House as the basis for NZEB through various events and training courses held with the Vidzeme University as well as actual projects such as the retrofits of both the Ergli and Tiskadi schools and dormitories. Both projects are true first movers in their regions and have high replication potentials.
These best practice example of Passive House thus inspires investors, architects, builders, owners, and even politicians. They are demonstrating that it is worthwhile to implement Passive House projects even in small municipalities and showing how savings in maintenance and energy costs are more than making up for increased investment costs. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia is doing its part to ensure these shining examples are followed by others, having nominated the Latgale region as the premier are for development activities over the next years.
One challenge for the future is the insufficient network of energy agencies in Latvia, whose main task is that of drafting and updating of long-term energy supply and energy efficiency planning documents, promoting increased of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, as well as providing information to the general public. Thankfully, the Latgale regional administration is giving special support to grow this network so as to better promote the lessons learned through Passive House examples.